Hi, I'm Rauli Laine, a computer programmer from Turku, Finland. Check out my GitHub profile to find out more about that stuff. I'm currently working as software developer at Treet, where I develop all kinds of Web and mobile application related stuff. In my free time, I tend to work on various personal C, C++ and Forth -projects.
Here are highlights of some open source projects I have been working on.
General purpose stack based, concatenative, strongly typed functional programming inspired by Forth and Factor programming languages. Interpreter is written with C++ and is designed to be easily embeddable to other C++ applications.
I originally wrote Laskin as RPN calculator for personal use, but it quickly turned into programming language. I then used it as basis for Plorth.
Version 2 of Laskin acts as a test bed for features that might be included into Plorth in the future, such as vector arithmetics, syntax improvements and built-in measurement units.
Key-value storage for storing JSON documents with multiple different backends for persistence.
Modal Web browser with Vi-like user interface, inspired by the now discontinued VimFx Firefox addon. Uses WebKit as rendering engine.
Minimal Markdown viewer written in C++ which uses GTK toolkit for GUIs and WebKit HTML engine for rendering. Written for personal use for those situations when you just want to read an document written in Markdown without having to open it in an editor with live preview.
Tiny DOM builder library written in JavaScript with TypeScript type definitions included.
Multiroom Web chat implementation written in TypeScript that uses WebSockets for communicating with the server.
If you really need to, you can contact me via e-mail. My e-mail address is rauli.laine@iki.fi.
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